Hamstar ~ pine tree ~ NCC-1701

When you post a fic to a comm, please to NOT be stealth-linking it to your own locked comm and then dying off the face of LJ forever. It sucks for going back and rereading stuff mmk.

Also, I want to CRY at all of the ShiroAi crap I'm having to wade through (hint: if you couldn't decide whether to make your fic ShiroAi or TezuFuji WITHOUT CHANGING ANYTHING BUT THE NAMES, there is a problem) while I'm revamping [info]tenimyu_slash.

PS: go check out the layout and tell me what sucks ♥ newsflash: I ALREADY KNOW THE USERPICS SUCK because they are links for some stupid reason and I can't get them to stop displaying the link border underneath them when you hover.

Also, I'm having a hell of a time going back through ALL the entries to tag them. Guys who were on that comm ages and ages ago, would you be dolls and go and tag your entries if/when you get the chance? Please to be using the pre-made tags thaaaaaanks. I'll make a big post about it tomorrow. Still gotta work on the userinfo and stuff. Blah. Coding.

God I love this icon. Just sharing.

@темы: coding pwnage, tenimyu