Hamstar ~ pine tree ~ NCC-1701
Hi everyone! This is your mod bringing you some reminders and announcements.

I would like to remind everyone to please use the request thread when requesting/uploading so that the comm won't clutter up, ne? Do not make new topics. To view the rules + request thread, you either check the right side of the site or go to the profiles page. :)

Also, could you please, please LOCK all media/download-related entries? Please please please? I guess I don't need to explain this because most of us are also members of other Tenipuri/Tenimyu-related communities. But PLEASE lock all your entries. And also, please put a title on your entries so that people can easily determine what your entries' all about.

[info]hoshi_li and [info]destiny_lynn are going to perform some mod duties such as fixing the memories, tags and cleaning up dead links and individual request posts. Old request pages with expired YSI links will be deleted. [info]destiny_lynn's done fixing the memories so you can also use it to check for old requests, files, etc. Please help us in making this community clean and organize (I sound like a city mayor now, but anyways).

For more questions feel free to contact [info]iikanji, [info]hoshi_li and [info]destiny_lynn, ok? :)

@темы: admin