

Hamstar ~ pine tree ~ NCC-1701
Well! It's been a productive weekend! Friday and Saturday were more my weekend days this week, so that means I get to rest (and ship off packages I've been putting off because zomg Animate FINALLY got me my FilmFes DVDs >_>;) and relax!

Bank Bang Lesson, if you haven't heard me fangirling it, this is the show starring (among others) Gaku, Osamu-chan, Katou Ryousuke, and Takuya, with a sсript by the same author who wrote Aru Hi Bokura wa Yume no Naka de Deau. Truth be told, I was MOST excited to see another show by that author XD Sorry hubby~

But HOLY CRAP. If I thought this show might be ANYTHING like Aru Hi, boy was I wrong. I was pleasantly surprised to see that this was a comedy pretty much through and through, and there were no psycho killers with adorable faces to be seen :P

The rough gist of the show revolved around a bank branch running a simulated robbery (with 2 hired men--Gaku, and another guy--pretending to hold them up) and gradually getting more and more into the simulation, dragging in all kinds of cliches. Kind of a play within a play :D There was a "man on the inside", a touching father-son reunion, a gay marriage (though admittedly, Ryousuke was playing the female nurse to Takuya's doctor...so does that still count as gay? XDDDD), breaking character because stuff was too funny, tragically overacted death scenes, and more XDDD

Unfortunately, because the opening and ending dances were set to music by Greeeen, and thus copyrighted, they won't be releasing the show on DVD. Which fucking SUCKS :/

Also, as this was my first time at a show of Gaku's since his birthday, I took the opportunity to give Gaku his present--well, indirectly (present being a fuckton of American chocolate of all different flavors, but mostly mint since he said it was his favorite. I PAY ATTENTION, SEE?). Being the coward that I am, I just turned it into the present table 8D Paula, Rachel, and I all waited at demachi, though, because DUH. That many big names in one space? Like hell we're not waiting. While standing around, however, we found out Iwashita-san had come to see the show when he scaled the stairs and walked past our group to the station. We twittered oh-so-subtly amongst ourselves something to the tune of, "omgomgomg IWASHITA-SAN. DON'T LOOK DON'T LOOK IWASHITA-SAN," and were thus so surprised when he noticed us not-obviously staring at him, then leaned forward and gave a little wave and a smile. We all gave little waves back and were very very happy :D Iwashita-san fucking WINS.

Ryousuke came out and made a beeline for the station, smart boy XD Takuya tried the same, but was alas, too slow. He got pounced upon and pressed for autographs, which he handled like a man and gave out freely :D Nice guy! I didn't get one, because...I always feel bad asking for that sort of thing :P But others did XD

Gaku sidled out (wiiiith my bag in hand >_>;) and got hounded by his own group of girls, and we made our exit after Paula and Rachel managed to snag his autograph while I, again, hung back :P

Osamu-chan was last, but didn't hang out too long, plus he had a manager with him, so few girls bothered him. The day's mission complete, we headed out; the next day (today), however, when Meg went to Bank Bang Lesson as well, she hung out for demachi and got to talk to Gaku a bit who...apparently asked where I was. And if since I wasn't there tonight, would I be there tomorrow, because he didn't get to talk to me the night before.


Fuck no, man. I'm not going to be alone with you you might confess. And since no one else can come with me, I won't be going to senshuuraku :P

...I'll see him at the KG birthday event anyways XD He can lavish thanks on me THEN :P

Saturday was a NIGHTMARE XD;;; Meg spent the night at my place, with the intention of trying for toujitsuken at KuroMyu, only to find ALL TICKETS WERE SOLD and there WERE no toujitsuken tickets. This was why she went to BBL instead, as mentioned above, so her trip wasn't entirely wasted :)

We bombarded the phonelines at 10 AM to get On7 tickets, which we successfully managed to nab! Nagoya shonichi and maeraku are got, and senshuuraku we'll try for tomorrow during the lottery. Also nabbed one Tokyo day (Jul 13) and will likely try for more XD Concentrating on all of that, though, nearly made me forget what time it was, so I was nearly late for KuroMyu at 1 PM @___@ Made it in time, though, and bought a pamphlet and Ciel photoset (SEBASTIAN DIDN'T HAVE ONE. WTF????)

The pamphlet is AMAZING. It's a hard-cover bound book--not just a pamphlet--with a beautiful black fabric cover and silver lettering. GUH. Best 2500 I've spent in a while.

The show itself would take too long to write about, other than to say that it takes place after the curry arc and before...everything after it XD

Hopefully you're not reading this if you want to be surprised at the show, but for those of you who won't be able to see it (until the DVD comes out! :D They're already taking preorders XD)--they throw in EVERY CHARACTER POSSIBLE. Not just Lao and the Undertaker and Grell (who was ABSOLUTELY UNNECESSARY BUT I'M GLAD HE WAS THERE ANYWAYS), you get Agni, Sohma, and Ran Mao!

Also, the costumes were A-FUCKING-MAZING, and the acting spot-on; these guys had their characters' mannerisms and VOICES down PAT. Eerie almost! My only complaints were that, while Matsushita Yuuya is an AMAZING singer, his voice is just too high for my liking for playing Sebastian. Not a deal-breaker, though :DDDDD

In other news... And by T2, I refer of course to Tsujimoto and Takasaki, 5th cast Oishi and Eiji. Read from her most recent blog entry:

And on top of this hard schedule, I was able to successfully secure a ticket for the 5th cast Golden Pair event.
Aaah, I can't wait~!! A 5th cast Golden Pair talk.
This will actually be my first time attending a TeniMyu event since 1st cast. And I bought the first DVD since Rikkai's 1st show--of course it was 5B! I've got their Synchro on hard repeat. And for the first time in a while I'm watching the backstages over and over and over. 5th cast is adorable!

OOOOOHHHH BOOYEAH. Take THAT every other cast since 1st cast. The #1 TxN fan in the Japanese fandom now also agrees on the AWESOME ADORABLENESS of Tsujimoto and Takasaki. FUCKYEAH. This chick who hasn't been to events since 1st cast, who's not even been bothered to buy a DVD since Rikkai1 (*cough*3rdand4thcast*cough*) NOW IS THROWING HER SUPPORT BEHIND THE UNSTOPPABLE GP BEHEMOTH THAT IS T2. Fuck. Yessssss.

STICK THAT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT, DOUBTERS. Not that Mitsuru is the be-all-end-all of defining A Good Golden Pair, but I find it so fucking amazing that every single TxN shipper in the Japanese fandom I've come across has expressed nothing but blase feelings for 2, 3, and 4th cast's GPs, but absolute unabashed LOVE for 5th cast. HA. HA. And also: HA. 5TH CAST FUCKING RULES. In the GP department, at least. From the ladies who know a good myu GP when they see one: from Tuti...to T2!

@темы: mitsuru, takasaki, tsujimoto, kuromyu, stalking gaku, kuroshitsuji

Hamstar ~ pine tree ~ NCC-1701
From "Naniwa no Oujisama", when Eiji and Oishi are on a date feeding the deer in Nara:

Eiji: "It's sure been a while, getting to take it easy like this."
Oishi: "Yeah."
Eiji: "But when we get back, then it's hitting the books for entrance exams."
Oishi: "About that...Eiji..."
Eiji: "Hm?"
Oishi: "I'm...not going to go to our high school."
Eiji: "Eh?!"
Oishi: "I plan on applying to an outside high school."
Eiji: "But--why?! You've never mentioned this before!"
Oishi: "I just wasn't sure. But--now I've decided. I want to become a doctor."
Eiji: "A doctor?"
Oishi: "With Tezuka's arm, and my own injury...I've learned how truly painful it is not to be able to play as you want. I want to help people like that....I'm sorry, just deciding it on my own without talking to you..."
Eiji: "...The studying's gonna be tough. Prepping for an entrance exam to an outside high school...I could never handle it!"
Oishi: "Eiji...!"
Eiji: "Hmm...maybe I'll try and become a stuntman then..."
Oishi: "Then if you do that...I'll be your personal trainer."

...god I love them so fucking much. I NEED FIC FOR THIS. NOW.

@темы: golden pair


Hamstar ~ pine tree ~ NCC-1701

Hamstar ~ pine tree ~ NCC-1701
Hamstar ~ pine tree ~ NCC-1701
ВСЕ избранное, неожиданно и фанатично превратившееся в фанатов принца за последние несколько месяцев, смотрит ОВАшку с чиби-Хетеем.

А я нет, потому что мне некогдааааааа!
Реал, бляхмух, такая охрененная штука, что мне и накласть и на ОВАшки, и на все остальное.

ЗЫ. Йеееей, бэйби! Скоро все начнут играть в теннис! )))))))
У меня смутное подозрение, что у моего избранного пропаганду игры начала именно я О_о

@темы: будни Дина, Mada mada dane!, who's your daddy?!, йа панамко, Принц Тенниса, ПЧ, События


Hamstar ~ pine tree ~ NCC-1701

Hamstar ~ pine tree ~ NCC-1701
Тьфу ты, эти дибилы уже смакуют, как я завтра буду играть в Сайлент Хилл и визжать, судорожно вцепившись в джойстик...

*это я позвонил Дайки узнать, играем мы завтра в теннис или нет, а они там сирень рвут и меня стебут*
Зато настроение подняли.
Ах, ну что с них взять? О_о

@темы: будни Дина, маразм - не оргазмЪ, Mada mada dane!, мысли вслух, йа панамко


Hamstar ~ pine tree ~ NCC-1701
Работа - зло.
Устаеееешь от нее как суслик какой-нибудь.

Завтра-не-знаю-что, вроде вых.
Вроде Сайлент Хилл и теннис, хз.
Остановите Землю, у меня вообще не варит моск.


@темы: fuckin' family business, будни Дина, мысли вслух, йа панамко


Hamstar ~ pine tree ~ NCC-1701
Hamstar ~ pine tree ~ NCC-1701

...does Tuti's shirt have plaid and flowerdy diamonds on it here? If so, thank you Eiji; consider this ample payback for Tuti's comments on your gastrointestinal problems :D

ETA: Hmm, maybe not so much -- I still wanna closer look!


Hamstar ~ pine tree ~ NCC-1701
Hamstar ~ pine tree ~ NCC-1701

NNNNNGGGGGH WHAT ARE THEY DOING?? Why are they all in Nagoya?! "Promotion"?! They're backstage somewhere! WHY??? IS THIS SOME EVENT? WILL THEY BE DOING IT IN TOKYO AS WELL?


@темы: on7

Hamstar ~ pine tree ~ NCC-1701
People in Japan! Or people with internet access and a decent grasp of Japanese! HELP!

At 1 PM this Saturday (11PM Central US time on Friday) I'll be juuuuust settling down to watch the Kuroshitsuji Musical. Unfortunately, at that exact same time, tickets will go on sale for this--Aniki, Naru, AND Yuzawa? OH FUCK YES.

I've already got an account on the Confetti website, and could give you all the necessary info, I just need someone to actually get me the tickets ^^; Just reserve them, whatever needs to be done. We can discuss the specifics if you can do this for me, but someone pleeaaaaase help? ;___;

@темы: ticket bitching, naru, sano mizuki

Hamstar ~ pine tree ~ NCC-1701
Ladies, a hand? :D I'm working on...a project. And need some input. I could probably come up with this myself, but it's easier to ask you guys, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Could you guys reply with some "popular" TeniMyu pairings? 1st-5th casts, rival schools, anything goes, so long as it has at least a FEW people shipping it; of course anyone could just put random guy A/random guy B, but I'd prefer stuff that people actually see and support in some fashion (even crack pairings--but only PAIRINGS at this point--so long as a few people ship it). And it doesn't have to be serious or anything, just "oh yeah these two were cute in a couple of backstages, how about them?"

List them however you want, but if they have nicknames that are pretty accepted in fandom, that'd help--MoriEiji, Zukkii, Setomaru, Mao-chan, BabaRyo, whatevs!

Gimme a list, guys :D Even the obvious ones are fine!

(...never has an icon been so relevant...)

@темы: tenimyu



Hamstar ~ pine tree ~ NCC-1701

Hamstar ~ pine tree ~ NCC-1701
Hamstar ~ pine tree ~ NCC-1701

Когда я первый раз ездила к Ольге, я увидела ЭТО, бегающее по полу как кошка или собака.
Учитывая то, что птиц я боюсь до жопы, тогдашняя пьянка была цирком, потому что я шарахалась от попугая, а он шарахался от меня. Когда он сидел на столе, я каменела, бледнела и пряталась за Петьку ))))

Вчера и сегодня мне было уготовано подобное испытание.
Попугай косил на меня глазом и цокал когтями по полу...

Но я превозмогла себя.
И кормила его вечером, пару часов назад, пиццей с руки. И он сидел у меня на коленке.

А на самом деле я очень боюсь птиц.

@темы: будни Дина, коллапс моска, йа панамко, упячка


Hamstar ~ pine tree ~ NCC-1701
*воет белугой*

И даже на три дня вместо двух, чтобы один день погулять по городу. С 10 по 12 июня, бвахаха. Завтра Ольга поедет за билетами. Едем втроем с еще одной коллегой, у которой в Питере своя квартира. В общем, спать есть где, и это главное.
Осталось поднять пару питерцев с насиженных мест и потискать их за щечки.

@темы: fuckin' family business, Mada mada dane!, События

Hamstar ~ pine tree ~ NCC-1701

Wasshi is creeped out by lustful!Takashi. Tuti, not surprisingly, appears very intrigued and smirkful >;)

Hamstar ~ pine tree ~ NCC-1701
Was browsing the d-addicts forums for info on when the ShibaTora subs are going to be out, and found this gem in the thread discussing the potential plot of the special:

"As for Taro-chan/Mizuki, I do hope we get a little something. After all, she's sixteen and in Japan, a girl can get married at sixteen. I am not 100% sure, but isn't 16/17 legal in Japan? I'm holding out hope."

....WHAT?! XDDDDDD;;;;;;; I. Just. WHAT. Shibata and Mizuki are cute (unlike Shibata and Koujirou, which'd be HOT 8D) but...seriously. MARRIED? Mizuki's in fucking PRISON XD; UMM. And they're not even dating in the series, not even out about their feelings for each other. WHAT. Just. Bah :P

Also: [info]shibatora! ...with no posts except an intro one, one member, and thus no activity :P DAMN. I suppose I'd be more torn up about the lack of a fandom if I wanted to actually contribute more than fic with Kagawa giving Utsumi a handjob during their stakeout 8D

@темы: shibatora